Rt 66 - Hackberry, AZ

The loop of Route 66 between Kingman and Seligman is approximately 87 miles long, one of the longest remaining stretches of old Route 66. I was looking forward to this section of the old road, as my research had shown there were quite a few interesting places to stop at along the way. And by the time I got to Seligman five hours later, I was not disappointed.

After a quick bite to eat in Kingman, I headed northeast out of town on Andy Devine Ave (Route 66) and headed for Hackberry. It’s the oldest town along this portion of 66, dating back to 1874. Originally a mining camp, the arrival of the railroad and later of Route 66 kept the place alive. Until, of course, the construction of I-40 killed most of the small business along the road.

Twenty-seven miles after leaving Kingman, I pulled into the parking lot of the Hackberry General Store. This place is like a mecca to Route 66 travelers. It’s definitely a tourist stop, with souvenirs, drinks and food, but it’s also a living piece of Route 66 history. There are artifacts all over the place, signs, tools, machinery and many old cars in varying degrees of preservation. From the pristine 1957 Corvette convertible under the porch, to bits and lumps of what used to be cars out in the weeds. It’s an easy place to spend an hour wandering about the grounds, taking pictures, or just sitting at a picnic table and having an ice cream or soda. I bought a t-shirt!

Oh, it was tempting to jump into the Corvette, but I figured it was probably best not to. The grounds around the General Store are packed with things just screaming "take my picture!" So that's what I did for the next thirty minutes or so. I'm sure I didn't see everything.

After leaving Hackberry with my souvenirs, I continued easterly along 66 and in a few minutes came across this abandoned Union 76 Gas Station. It looks like the vegetation will soon totally engulf the structure. Unfortunately it was fenced off, so I couldn't get up and personal, but I got a few pictures before continuing my drive to see what else I could find on this beautiful day.