Boulder Cabin

Boulder Cabin

You never know what you'll find in the Desert Queen Wash. And when you find something there, odds are that you'll wonder "How did this get here? Who built that? What else is there out here that I'm missing?" Such was the case when Murbachi and I found ourselves in an exemplary little valley crossed by the Desert Queen Wash. We'd heard about the ruins of an old stone cabin, and the rumor of a ghost Model-T truck nearby, and that was all that was needed to see if we could find them.

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Johns Camp

Johns Camp

It’s always fun to try to find a lesser-known spot in J Tree, one without much information to guide you. There are a lot of such places, off the beaten path with little or no “popular” appeal to the casual visitor. So they remain out of the guide books, they remain unmarked on park maps, they simply remain, until the desert claims all traces of what once was there. I like these places.

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Live Oak & Ivanpah Tanks Wildflower Report

Live Oak & Ivanpah Tanks Wildflower Report

After locating Surprise Tank in Queen Valley, and seeing the significant amount of water behind the dam there, I decided to drive to the Live Oak picnic area and hike down the wash to see if either Live Oak Tank or Ivanpah Tank held any water behind them.

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