Grand Tank - Joshua Tree National Park

Grand Tank - Joshua Tree National Park

Grand Tank is a reservoir located near White Tank campgound. From reports I've read, it apparently holds water after any significant amount of rain in the area. I've visited several times over the years, but have never found water behind the dam wall. With all the rain the park received during the last half of January, I thought, "what the heck, I'll go check it out. Maybe there'll be water there this time." 

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Lower Ivanpah Tank

Lower Ivanpah Tank

I know what you're thinking. "Lower Ivanpah Tank? What the heck is that?"

It's a newly-named tank/dam I recently located. Well, I had help. Whilst studying Google Earth, the fabled 3D photographer, Murbachi (, had spotted what appeared to be a man-made dam a short distance east of Ivanpah tank. I had no idea there was another tank in the area, so we set forth to discover it.

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Live Oak & Ivanpah Tanks Wildflower Report

Live Oak & Ivanpah Tanks Wildflower Report

After locating Surprise Tank in Queen Valley, and seeing the significant amount of water behind the dam there, I decided to drive to the Live Oak picnic area and hike down the wash to see if either Live Oak Tank or Ivanpah Tank held any water behind them.

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