Zebra Cliffs Labyrinth - Joshua Tree National Park

Zebra Cliffs Labyrinth - Joshua Tree National Park

Yes, that's another one of the Joshua Tree place names that I made up. Although, it's possible that the labyrinth near the north section of the Zebra Cliffs actually is known by that name by whoever created it. It's one of the mysteries of the desert.

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Two Days in April - Joshua Tree National Park

Two Days in April - Joshua Tree National Park

It was early April and the wildflowers were everywhere. Sometimes you had to look for them, but they gave themselves away with their bright spots of color against the unusually green desert backdrop. 

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Eldorado Mine - Joshua Tree National Park

Eldorado Mine - Joshua Tree National Park

The first thing I noticed was, how green was the valley. The substantial amount of rain this past winter has really changed the look of JTree. Two months from now, this picture will look a lot different. The second thing I noticed was, lots of colorful splashes along the way, partly responsible for tuning a 3-mile hike into a 5-mile hike. 

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