Pinto Wye Hideout

After a recent visit to the Pinto Wye Arrastra, I stumbled upon an interesting place while hiking cross desert back to my truck. And that's just how it happens sometimes. Hiking along, minding your own business, taking in the scenery while also trying to watch where your feet are going so you don't step on anything sharp or poisonous. 

It was while thus engaged that I spotted something up ahead, and so veered direction to see what I could find.

I have a habit of naming things I find in the desert, especially if I can't find any record of them elsewhere. So, may I introduce to you, the Pinto Wye Hideout.

As of this writing, I have no idea on how long this has been here, or who built it, but perhaps someone reading this post may be able to shed some light on those things. I love finding things in the desert.

Inside, it appears that someone has built a small fire pit in one corner. Please be aware, campfires are not allowed outside of campgrounds or picnic areas provided with fire grates in J Tree. Don't be the one who starts a brush fire in the park.

Looking out the front door.

The interior of the hideout is fairly good sized, but kinda lacking in headroom. It would make a nice shelter for an overnight stay but I don't think it's far enough off the road to be considered backcountry. But the Pinto Wye Hideout is a great example of what you can find if you stray off the beaten path and explore the less populated areas of the park.

The Hideout's backside. Take a hike!