Lost Horse Mine Trail

Lost Horse Mine Trail

Let me start off by saying, we didn't find the horse. But that's ok, Once you start getting close to the Lost Horse Mine, there's so much stuff to find that you completely forget about about the horse. And in any case, it's probably roaming that endless range up in the sky now anyways. But why are we talking about this horse, anyway?

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White Tank & Grand Tank

White Tank & Grand Tank

Ok, so I enjoy wandering around the desert and finding stuff. Who doesn't? Could be giant rocks that look like sea monsters, or dried-out, sun-bleached bones of dead animals. Could be a forgotten gold mine or the remains of an old ranch truck. Could be shards of Indian pottery or a hidden petroglyph in a box canyon. Or, like today, it could be remnants of the cattle ranching days in Joshua Tree National Park. Because that's what White Tank and Grand Tank are.

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Cap Rock Nature Trail

Cap Rock Nature Trail

If you're in J Tree, and you have an hour or so to spare, why not drive over to Cap Rock and walk along the .4-mile-long nature trail? The trailhead is located at the Cap Rock parking area, at the junction of Park Blvd. and Keys View Road. It's easy to find and the short hike is a great reason to get out of the car, stretch your legs and enjoy the day. 

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Arch Rock Nature Trail

Arch Rock Nature Trail

For some reason, I see things in the rocks at Joshua Tree National Park. Maybe that's a result of falling off a quartz monzonite boulder at Jumbo Rocks and landing on my head when I was a boy, I don't know. What I do know is, the rocks along the Arch Rock Nature Trail seem to be full of creatures trying to hide in solid rock. But I see them. Even when I’m not taking medication. Come on, I’ll show you what I found last time I was there…..

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